Liberty Ventures is a community “building the ecosystem of purpose-driven leaders committed to a free and prosperous future to build their businesses and so their impact.” I recently presented Coolwater Capital model to their members. Libery Ventures asked me how we align with their values. I responded: Two of our key values are innovation and...
[Continue Reading]How business leaders can promote wearing masks and stop COVID-19
The overwhelming consensus of medical opinion is that in order to mitigate COVID-19 as effectively as some other countries have, America needs to make mask-wearing normative. How can you help? Some ideas: Incorporate masks into your visual communications. In your advertising, brochures, website, etc., incorporating masks will help change social norms. By analogy, very few...
[Continue Reading]ESG in Venture Capital: Interview with Blue Future Partners (VC Fund of Funds)
Blue Future Partners, a venture capital fund of funds, recently interviewed me on Environmental, social, and governance criteria (“ESG”) in venture capital. You can read the full interview here....
[Continue Reading]Partisan Activism 101 for Investors and Executives
You care passionately about certain political causes. How can you use your professional influence to help create change? When your grandchildren ask you, “What did you do during the craziness of 2020?”, how will you answer them? Reid Hoffman, cofounder of Linkedin, writes: Traditionally, CEOs … have tried to avoid mixing business and politics, perhaps...
[Continue Reading]How Non-Partisan Business Leaders Can Help Fix America
10 non-partisan action steps for investors and executives to help fix our broken political process Almost everyone agrees that the American political system is dysfunctional. You love our country, and you want to do something about it. But, becoming politically active can be a challenge, particularly if you’re in a business leadership role. No matter...
[Continue Reading]Join the Biden/Harris Campaign as an Industry Ambassador at Large
Are you a well-connected industry leader eager to make America functional again? We have an opportunity for you to help the country, and also build your relationships with other senior people in your sector. This is NOT a fundraising role. As an Ambassador at Large for the Biden/Harris Campaign, your responsibilities are: By far most...
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