- Bloomberg, “Israel’s Goldnames Seeks Riches in Internet Domain Names”(Aug 31, 2000).
- The Sunday Business Post, “Goldnames find goldmine by banking on the com”(Aug 27, 2000).
- Eo News.net, “Will GoldNames strike it rich with domain names?” (Aug 16, 2000).
- Venture Wire, “GoldNames, a Provider of Web Domain Name Services, Launches” (Aug 15, 2000).
- Eo News.net, “Bank shuns stocks for domain names” (Aug 15, 2000).
- Financial Times, “Web address service unveiled” (Aug 15, 2000).
- Entrepreneur magazine, “Internet: Worlds First Investment Bank For Internet Domain Names Now In Business” (Aug 15, 2000).
- I I TEch Finance News, “Domain Name Trader Lures Investors” (Aug 14, 2000).
- Internet.com, “Goldnames Aims for the New Real Estate Market” (July 16, 2000).
- The Wall Street Journal, Europe, , “Stiff Israeli Taxation Forces Companies To Leave Country” (June 27, 2000).
- The Jewish Bulletin of Northern California, , “Are high-tech immigrants the new Israeli pioneers?” (May 26, 2000)
- Jerusalem Post Magazine, “The dot.com pioneers” (April 23, 2000). (reprinted in “The Jewish Press”)
- Jerusalem Post Magazine,“Venturing Toward Growth” (November 20, 1999).
- DNS news, “Le marche du negoce de noms de domaines se cree peu a peu”(Aug , 2000).
- Information Juive, “La terre promise du High-Tech” (Aug 10, 2000).
- Le Journal du Net, “Vente de noms de domaines: GoldNames débarque en France sur un marché peu exploré” (Aug 10, 2000).
- Yahoo.com, “Goldnames investit les domaines mondiaux” (Aug 10, 2000).
- France.Internet.com, “Goldnames investit les domaines mondiaux” (Aug 9, 2000).
- 01net.com, “Goldnames, le plus grand «squat» de noms de domaine du monde” (Aug 9, 2000).
- The Jerusalem Post, Edition française, “Les Pionniers du dot.com” (May 17, 2000).
- Corporate Wide Web, “Un decreto contro il cybersquatting” (Aug 14, 2000).
- Virgilio Notitzie (one of the most important Italian portal),
“Goldnames, giusto ddl sui domini ma non i generici” (Aug 14, 2000). - Punto Informatico, “Nasce il borsino dei domini” (Aug 09, 2000).
- La Repubblica, “Internet: nasce la banca di investimenti per i domini” (Aug 09, 2000).
- My Tech (online internet news of Mondadori group), “Domini Internet: nasce banca dinvestimenti”
(Aug 09, 2000). - ADNkronos (leading news agencies in Italy),
“Internet: e’ nata GoldNames, la banca per investire in domine” (Aug 07, 2000). - News ITALIA PRESS, “Punta sull’Italia la prima immobiliare dei siti internet “(July 04, 2000).
- Front-Press, “Um banco de investimento em nomes de domínio “ (Aug 27, 2000).
- IG.com (one of the most important portals in Brazil),
“Goldnames aposta no comércio de domínios” (Aug 16, 2000). - IG.com (one of the most important portals in Brazil),
“Domínios são um ativo importante na nova economia, diz empresa” (Aug 16, 2000). - Info- Exame (an important weekly magazine in Brazil ),
“Banco de Investimentos comercializa domínios Web” (Aug 14, 2000). - Gazeta Mercantil (an important telecomunication and high-tech magazine),
“Banco vai comprar, vender e alugar nomes para internet.” (Aug 14, 2000). - Valor (the second Brazilian daily business newspaper),
“Israelense cria fundo de domínios” (Aug 11, 2000).
- Báquia.com , “La fiebre de los dominios” (Aug 25, 2000).
- Bpenet.com , “GoldNames, primer banco destinado a los dominios” (Aug 21, 2000).
- Noticias.com (an important spanish internet news provider),
“Goldnames: banco de inversiones para nombres de dominio” (Aug 17, 2000). - Datos en la Web.com (one of the leading spanish speaking news site),
“Nace un Banco de Inversiones para dominios en Internet” (Aug 16, 2000). - Iactual.com (one of the leading Spaniard internet news sites),
“Nace Goldnames.com, el primer banco de inversiones de dominios” (Aug 16, 2000). - Punto-com (a very well known Spanish on-line internet magazine),
“Banco comprará, venderá y alquilará dominios para Internet” (Aug 14, 2000).
- It-Kanalen (a Norwegian net-publication), “Domene-navn kan være god butikk. Nå lanserer en Wall Street-gruppe verdens første investeringsbank for domenenavn på internett” (Aug 14, 2000).
Hebrew (translated)
- Globes (Israel’s leading business newspaper), “GoldNames is raising $10 million” ( July 4, 2000).
- Haaretz, “Ten cities in 10 years, high-tech wiz kid, Teten, calls J’lem home”(June 16, 2000)
- Kol Ha Ir, “Starting From Scratch” (January 7, 2000).