Following is a guest post from ff Venture Capital winter intern Max Segan, a Colgate senior majoring in computer science, who is starting at Facebook this summer as a software engineer. From our perspective, Facebook is both our friend (training hundreds of talented future entrepreneurs) and enemy (competing with our portfolio companies for top talent...
[Continue Reading]Best Job Boards for Recruiting Startup Engineers
One of our portfolio companies asked me this week, “Do you all have a list of job boards your portfolio companies have had great success with in recruiting high quality engineers?” The unemployment rate for quality computer scientists/engineers in the major cities right now is zero; everyone who’s not pursuing his/her own startup can easily...
[Continue Reading]Startup idea: marketplace for business research and students seeking internships / experience
We’re looking to spend money with a startup business: a marketplace for businesses which want consulting research and students who want jobs, internships and experience. Specifically, we want a website where we can advertise the research topics that are important to us (e.g., best practices of operational improvement among VCs), along with the qualifications (e.g.,...
[Continue Reading]Expert Networks Rollup – Business Connect China merges with Evalueserve Circle of Experts and Tribeca Insights
Congratulations to Business Connect China, which is merging with my old company, Evalueserve Circle of Experts, and Tribeca Insights to form a new consolidated expert network, Advantus Global. Integrity Research reports, “At the high water mark, there were over 45 expert networks. By our count, the number has shrunk to 37, of which 7 cater...
[Continue Reading]Earn More Consulting Revenue from Expert Networks
A number of friends have asked me how to increase the amount of money they’re earning as consultants from the major expert networks, eg., Atheneum Partners, AlphaSights, Dialectica, CAPVision, Coleman Research Group, GLG, Guidepoint, Insight Alpha, Lynk Global, Maven Research, Kingfish Group (specialize in private equity), Primary Insight, ProSapient, and Third Bridge. Here are some...
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